To Father Peter Meis, O.F.M., Cap., in admiration of his more than forty years of devoted and loving missionary work to the indigenous peoples of Papua New Guinea.
Although it has been some time since I last saw him, he has been an important part of our lives for as long as I can remember.
When he returned to Kansas during (infrequent) breaks from his missionary service during my youth, he would say Mass in our home and share photos and slides of his work among the natives of Papua New Guinea.
Letters from Fr. Pete (like the recent one below) were especially treasured by me as they added to my stamp collection.
The Dedication to Fr. Pete is both sincere and fitting: His work among the native people of Papua New Guinea is a modern example of the same missionary zeal that brought the founders of Notre Dame from France to our shores and its Holy Cross priests to the camps and battlefields of the Civil War.
Enjoy, and please keep Fr. Pete and his beautiful people in your thoughts and prayers.

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